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Talking about sex and unusual kinks with your partner can be nerve-wracking, but it doesn’t have to be! Whether both of you are interested in exploring something new or just want to feel more open about your sexual desires, this guide will help make the conversation easier.

Be Prepared

Before you sit down to talk with your partner, it’s important to prepare yourself. Make sure that you know what it is you want out of the conversation. Are there any specific activities or fantasies that you’d like to explore? Knowing what topics you plan on discussing beforehand can help make the conversation flow more smoothly. Additionally, remember that being prepared doesn’t necessarily mean having all the answers right away. Asking questions and having an open mind is just as important and can help create a positive dialogue between both of you.

Take It Slow

When discussing something new with your partner, it’s important to take things slow and not rush into anything. This is especially true when talking about new sexual activities or kinks. Keeping the conversation lighthearted and fun can help ease any potential tension or anxiety either of you may be feeling. Talking through each step together without judgment or pressure is key in making sure everyone feels comfortable and safe. Remember that communication should always be consensual!

Stay Positive & Respectful

Everyone has different boundaries when it comes to sex so make sure that respect remains at the forefront of the conversation no matter how awkward it might get! Even if something isn’t something either of you are interested in exploring, staying positive and respectful instead of judgmental will ensure a healthier relationship overall. Additionally, try not to take yourself too seriously – don’t be afraid to laugh together throughout the discussion if need be! You know each other best after all – being able to laugh together will only draw both of you closer together in the end!

Although talking about sex, unusual kinks or fantasies can feel intimidating at first, there is no need to fear - communication is key! By following these tips—being prepared, taking things slow, staying positive & respectful—you'll soon find yourself feeling more confident in discussing new ideas with your partner. Open communication is essential for healthy relationships so don't hesitate - start a dialogue today!

Have fun with it - who knows what unexpected surprises await? And if they don't want to help you explore, you can discuss finding someone else in your life who can help you explore that kink. Or, alternatively, if your kink is extremely important to you and you can't find a way to explore yourself within this relationship, perhaps this is the perfect moment to re-evaluate whether this relationship serves you in your life in a way that you still feel supported and loved.

Charlie x


Aussie oi oi
Well done, i feel like the take it slow section should be in bold<---- idiot with a lot of Psych knowledge but yet still does the 0-100 thing and that is generally a ticket to fail, unless you are on the exact same wavelength in rare awesome circumstances.