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So many fans love seeing their favorite stars on camera getting intimate and wild while they’re in the throes of ecstasy. What most fans don’t realize is the amount of skill required behind the camera and everything that has to happen from a director’s perspective to make the magic happen in front of the lens.

For a model, directing is a whole new side of the industry. Besides keeping your clothes on, there are a lot of little things that are different from being in the video and having to adjust your mindset is a learning experience. There are so many technical aspects that you need to consider, like lighting and angles and chemistry and atmosphere. All these things come across to the viewers in ways that fans will notice if it’s not done properly.

When trying to find performers with chemistry, you have to take into account their comfort levels with each other while also making them feel comfortable on set. No one wants to watch a model getting railed when they clearly don’t enjoy the experience. Trying to maintain that comfort level and chemistry when also directing and making suggestions for positions can get confusing. Imagine trying to describe a specific way to position their body or hold their arms without that person being able to look at you or react to your voice. You have to figure out the best way to explain it while simultaneously not killing the mood.

Once you’ve got all the best shots, you’ve then got to edit the videos and make sure the sequencing and timing all make sense. It makes no sense to have the same thing appear from two or three different angles because then the video gets confusing. You’ve got to make sure you get all the sexiest footage and meld it together seamlessly in a way that makes sense.

Needless to say, the entire process can get convoluted with limbs in all sorts of weird positions while the camera is trying to capture the sex and passion and the lighting is adjusted to prevent a glare and everyone else is watching and waiting for the next direction. The process behind the camera is more extensive than anything that happens in front of the camera, but the hard work and the final product are worth every moment!

Charlie x