Fun Fact:
Nova is a trumpet player and was in a brass band! I guess that’s why she’s so good at fingering and blowing...
Astrological Sign:
Nova is an entertainer in her very soul. A top Aussie Camgirl who exhibits her cheeky side though wild and interactive livestreams to audiences across the world. When she’s not online, you’ll find her dancing and performing sensational stage shows at gentlemen's clubs around Australia.
In the porn world, Nova delights in living out her ultimate sexual fantasies… like getting stuck in washing machines, and naked bike riding through the city.
A master of role-play, there is no doubt Nova can play any, and every, role in your fantasies.
Nova is as down to earth as it gets, a true charismatic (sometimes adorkable) individual with energy, humour, intelligence, and sexuality that come dazzling through her creative work.